To you.

In a virtual world that consists of nothing but purchasing, impressing, and conversing with others, I am a lovely outcast.
In this nonsense blog, I'll apparently be whining and complaining over aspects of Ameba Pico, and occasionally, everyday life, in the words of a schizophrenic, delusional fifteen-year-old cross-dresser living in America.
I'm not promising to be bubbly and happy about anything, because I'm not.
In all honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing.
Hi, I'm Hope. It's nice to meet you.

And also, since I said this in a post way back before anything, the names of the posts are just whatever happened to be there when I pressed Ctrl+V.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So, I'm apparently thinking of naming myself Kogeinu after the singer.
...;_; He's so cute, but not my kind of cute.

My kind of cute is really weird. And odd. And weird.
And I really like the name Sekihan anyway. Plus, he's an epic singer. Though I'm sure most of you haven't even heard of him. So, here's him singing that lovely song,  "Mrs.パンプキンの滑稽な夢 を歌いました。"
Have fun understanding that. 

In reality, I'm only posting this video so that I can come and watch it later. Bwahaha.
I have a Spanish project I need to be doing. But I'm tired of drawing thousands of cherry blossoms.
I have no idea what cherry blossoms and the Spanish language have to do with each other.

D: And.
Please don't think that my bio is emo. HOPE IS NOT AN EMO.
:< It's actually a quote from Final Fantasy VIII. Since Squall is such an emo ass and all.
He's worse than Cloud.


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